Saturday, September 18, 2010

Chapter 1: Primary Elements

1. Point
       Definition: A small cylindrical object that is round in nature.
    Illustration: I used a floor plan with columns to represent points. Where you see full black dots, those are columns being displayed on a floor plan. They represent columns this way, because columns are round in nature and would look this way if you were looking at then from an aerial view.

2. Line
   Definition: A continuous mark from point A to point B.
                                             File:Straight Line Steady.svg 

   Illustration: I chose an illustration of a, what seems to be an enormous wooden pole. I chose this image because, its funny and its represents a line. It is a continuous pole from point A(top) to point B (bottom).
                                                       lumberjack climbing pole

3. Plane
   Definition: A flat 2-dimensional surface. Can be made visually by a series of lines or shapes.

                                      File:Planes parallel.svg
  Illustration: This repetition of wires creates a plane.With them being so close together, it forces your eye to look at them as a whole.

4. Volume
    Definition: an object or space that has dimension and depth to it.

  Illustration: I chose a column to show volume. This column is round and thick. The thickness gives the column volume.




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