Thursday, November 18, 2010

Chaper 7


1. Axis: A line drawn at the center point  of any object.
This photo relates to the subject by showing the middle point of an object.

2. Symmetry: when one side of something balances out or mirrors the other.
This photo relates to the subject because it is exactly balanced on all sides.

3. Hierarchy: when one object dominate another object, whether its by size, color, etc.
This photo relates to the subject because it displays the hierarchy of human scale in which the biggest is first and goes to the smallest.

4.Rhythm & Repetition: A principle of design that indicates movement achieved by repetition of shapes, colors, etc. Repetition occurs when there is a constant motif being represented over and over again.
This photo relates to the subject because it shows a constant repetition of angled cubes in a constant rhythm.

5. Transformation: the act or process of transforming into something else.
This photo relates to the subject because it shows the transformation of one thing to another.

Chaper 6

Proportion & Scale

1. The orders: The oldest and simplest of the three main orders of classical Greek architecture.

2. Scale: refers to the proportion or ratio that defines the size relationships.
This photo relates to the subject because it shows a difference in scale by placeing 2 items next to each other.

Chapter 5


1. Building Approach: Ways that you approach a building.

This photo relates to the subject because it shows you a way that you can approach a building.

 2. Building Entrances: Ways to enter a building.

3. Configuration of the path:
Shows a straight path of configuration.

4. Path-space relationship:
Shows that you have to go by the kitchen to get to the office.

5. Form of the circulation space:
Shows a space that is open on all sides.

Chapter 4

Spatial Relationships:
1. Space within a space: Having a space with a different function inside of another space with its own function.

2. Interlocking Spaces: Spaces that connect and join together in one space.

3. Adjacent spaces: Spaces that are directly next to each other.

4. Spaces linked by a common space: A hallway or breezeway that connects two spaces.

Spatial Organization:

1. Linear organization: Lining up objects in a repetitive pattern in a way that it implies a line is being made.